Tuesday, September 30, 2008
तेल मंथन -कुछ मुक्तक
-ओंम प्रकाश नौटियाल
तेल मंथन का आभामय , सुंदर स्वर्णिम इतिहास
त्याग,समर्पण ,ज्ञान , कर्म का अद्भुत इसमें वास ।
निर्गम,दुर्गम वन हों , थल हो , या हो सिन्धु विशाल
तेल कार्मिक अविचल निर्भय, डटे ठोंक कर ताल ।
विदेशी विशेषज्ञों ने की थी , अपनी राय यह व्यक्त
तेल की बूँद नहीं भारत में , पूर्वोत्तार के अतिरिक्त ।
भारतीय भुविदों ने दर्शायी तब उन्हें तेल की धार ,
खोज लिए निज देश में , कई तेल गैस भंडार ।
गैस कह रही तेल से , तू क्यों तरल शरीर
एक मां की संतान पर , मैं तो चंचल अधीर ।
कहा तेल ने ऐ बहिन , तू सरल , सहज और नेक
उर्जा हममे एक सी , अर्थात हम अंतर्मन से एक ।
सागर पूछे पवन से , मुझको बींध रहा है कौन
मेरे उर्जागार में लगा रहा है , सेंध निरंतर कौन ?
तेल कार्मिकों ने खोज लिया है छुपा तुम्हारा कोष
भारत विकास के कर्णधार , अब करना न आक्रोश ।
तेल गैस की स्वर्णिम यात्रा में ऐसे भी आए मोड़
कर्म छेत्र से कर्मठ कई साथी , गए अचानक छोड़ ,
परम अनुकरणीय त्याग पर उनके , गर्वित सारा देश ,
कर्म ही जीवन , कर्म ही मृत्यु उनका यह संदेश ।
Monday, July 28, 2008
--- ओंम प्रकाश नौटियाल
नन्ही सी उम्र में वर्ष वर्ष जोड़ कर
पहुंचे हो आज तुम वय के इस मोड़ पर,
असमंजस में स्वयं को ढूंढ़ते खड़े हो
तुम न अब छोटे हो, न ठीक से बड़े हो ।
कैशौर्य में विचरते हो , यौवन के पास हो
सबके अजीज हो तुम सबके ख़ास हो ,
तनाव में कभी, कभी उलझन में लगते हों
मित्रों की पर अपने,सभी बातों पे हँसते हो ।
अनुभव , तर्क की बातें अनमने से सुनते हो
अधपकी समझ से वितर्कों के जाल बुनते हो ,
इस उम्र में होता है यह, न तुम्हारा कुसूर है
हमको प्यार है तुमसे हमें तुम पर गुरूर है ।
भविष्य में छुपी उज्जवल खुशियाँ अपार हैं
श्रम करते रहो मन से तो अवसर हज़ार हैं ,
समय को मान देना ही सफलता की कुंजी है
तुम्हारे साथ हमारे प्यार, दुवाओं की पूंजी है ।
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
बाढ़ का पानी
बाढ़ का पानी
---ओंम प्रकाश नौटियाल
जिस जगह जाती नज़र , है मंजर तबाही का
देखो कहाँ तक फैला बेदर्द बाढ़ का पानी ।
नदियाँ कहाँ अब जा रही, सागर से मिलने को
समंदर को अन्दर ला रहा ,जालिम बाढ़ का पानी ।
सड़के नहीं रही थी , जो पैदल के भी लायक
सफीने वहां चलवा रहा, गहरा बाढ़ का पानी ।
उनके हवाई दौरे , घडियाली आंसू और वादे
क्या नौटंकी करवा रहा , विदूषक बाढ़ का पानी ।
बनता बड़ा जाँ बाज , उछल कर ऊँचे बांधो से
दीन झुग्गियां डूबा रहा , निर्दयी बाढ़ का पानी ।
छोटा बड़ा जो भी मिला सबको साथ ले गया ,
कितनो के प्राण पी गया ,प्यासा बाढ़ का पानी ।
जलमग्न सब कुछ कर ,अब बड़प्पन दिखा रहा
बनता है पानीदार , महा ढोंगी बाढ़ का पानी ।
Friday, May 16, 2008
17 th May -World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD).
17 th May -World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD).
(Excerpts from my address on 17th May 2006 as Chairman Institute of Electronics & Telecommunication Enginners,Vadodara Centre, Source of information –ITU & published literature)
On May 24th 1844 Samuel Morse sent his first public message over a telegraph line between Washington and Baltimore. The message said “What hath God wrought”
It was the beginning of telecommunication era in the world.
Communication Network across the globe today integrates a huge range of technologies yet remains one of the most reliable system ever developed and is the planet’s largest man made object.
The International Telecommunication Union, then known as International Telegraph Union ,was established on 17th May 1865 in Paris as an impartial international organization within which Govt. and private sector could work together to coordinate the operation of telecommunication networks and services and advance the development of communication technologies. So it is 143 years ago ITU began facilitating world to communicate .
World Telecom Day was held for the first time in 1969 as a resolution of ITU administrative council.17th May is celebrated as world communication day across the world as birth anniversary of ITU to spread awareness about the role of communication technologies and to redeem our pledge to bridge technological differences and promote interconnectivity to all.
However, 22 years ago it was realized that not all people are sharing the social and economic benefits that telecommunication creates. In 1985 ITU released its landmark Maitland report known as the missing link, which was first to clearly identify the digital divide. Since the publication of the report ITU has been working to bring the benefits of Information and communication technologies to all humanity.
From the birth of telegraph, through radio and television broadcasting to satellite communication and to the internet to digital revolution in information and communication technologies, the work of ITU has helped harness the power of Science and Technology to fulfill the basic human need for communication. However, the true test is the extent to which today’s powerful knowledge based communication tools are able to connect different people across geographic, knowledge and information divides ,especially in the most impoverished countries.
In 2003 in Geneva the first World Summit on Information Systems was held.175 countries endorsed declaration and plan of action that embrace the idea of universal and affordable access to ICTs.
If we recall the earlier themes of World Telecom Day Celebrations
2000: Mobile Communication
2001: The internet Challenges opportunities and prospects
2002: ICT for all-empowering people to cross the digital divide
2003: Helping all world people to communicate”
2004: ICTs leading ways for sustainable development
2005: Equitable Information Society
2006: Promoting Cyber security
2007: Connecting the Young: the opportunities of ICT
2008: Connecting Persons with Disabilities: ICT Opportunities for All
The role of ITU has been evolving with its earlier focus on communication to ICTs to gradually shifting to information society for development of mankind .
Also to under- score its commitment to changing the global information society and help nations to bridge the digital divide, The second WSIS summit in Tunis in Nov.2005, therefore, proposed that 17th May henceforth be celebrated as World Information Society Day.(WISD)
UN General Assembly adopted resolution to this effect on 27th March 2006 .The
official celebration of WISD in 2006 was a cluster of web related activities which commenced from 9th May 2006.
In 2006 it was, therefore. a celebration with dual names of WTD and WISD .
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day:
In November 2006, the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya, Turkey, decided to celebrate both events i.e. World Telecommunication Day and World Information Society Day on 17 May as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) .
Theme for WTISD 2008 is :
“Connecting Persons with Disabilities: ICT Opportunities for All .”
Saturday, May 10, 2008
मेरी एक पूर्व प्रकाशित ग़ज़ल के कुछ शेर प्रस्तुत हैं ।
-ओंम प्रकाश नौटियाल
ज़माना कातिलों पे गर यों मेहरबां नहीं होता
कातिल ही ख़ुद सद्दाम को फांसी नहीं देता ।
तुम्हारी बात को हल्के से मैं गर कभी लेता
तुम्हे मुगालता रहता कि मैं हो गया नेता ।
दिवाली इस बार भी आई और फ़िर चली गई
इस रौशनी से उम्मीद का अब भ्रम नही होता ।
है कुहराम देश में चैन की वो नींद सोते हैं
लाचार आदमी देखो किसी मौसम नहीं सोता ।
'जेड' सुरक्षा का उन पर ऐसा सख्त पहरा है
जनता का कोई कष्ट उन तक आने नहीं देता ।
ऐ 'ओंम' पंछी व्योम में सुखी स्वछन्द उड़ते हैं
क्योंकि धर्म , देश , नेता वहाँ कुछ नहीं होता ।
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
How to kill an Association
I am reproducing below excerpts from an amusing article "How to kill an association" written by James Bosco for "Mini Badge" Magazine NY . We may see reflections of such personalities in ourselves or in other persons as members of some or the other associations.
How to Kill an Association
--Don't participate beyond paying your dues "let them handle things"--attitude. Then complain that members have no voice in management.
--Decline all officers and committee appointments-you're too busy. Then offer vociferous advise on how they should do things.
--If appointed to a committee, don't work - "it's a courtesy appointment." Then complain because the organization has stagnated.
--Don't attend any of the activities planned. Then complain that nothing is provided for you.
--If you attend meetings, don't initiate new ideas. Then play devil's advocate to those submitted by others.
--Don't rush to pay your dues - they're too high anyway. Then complain about poor financial management.
--Don't encourage others to become members - that's selling. Then complain that membership is not growing.
--Don't read mail from the association - it's not important. Then complain that you're never informed.
--Don't volunteer your talents - that's ego fulfillment. Then complain that you're never asked and never appreciated.
--And, if by chance, the organization grows in spite of your contributions, grasp every opportunity to tell the youngsters how tough it was and how hard you worked in the old days to bring the organization to its present level of success
Saturday, April 26, 2008
अनुभव -Experience
Nehru ji in his famous letters written to daughter Indira has categorized three types of people. Wise people who learn from the mistakes or experiences of others. Average people who learn from their own mistakes and fools who learn from none and go on repeating same mistakes time and again in similar situations.
There are, however, things as mentioned earlier which even the wise people have to learn through their experience. One can be aware of them but in order to practice them one has to acquire practical experience himself or herself . One can not be a pilot, bungee jumper, and mountaineer without the requisite practical experience. One has to learn through cautious, devoted and persistent practical learning to gain expertise.There are thus two types of learnings one which are taught in school and the other which experience teaches . One may or may not have choice of options for resorting to one of methodologies depending upon what one is trying to learn.
Tom Bodett has very aptly differentiated the learnings from school and life. According to him :
“The difference between learnings from school and life is that in school you are first taught the lessons and then given a test. In life you are given a test first that teaches you a lesson”
The essence is that learn whatever is possible to learn from the experience of others and leave only the bare essentials for your own experience e.g never drive car on the highway after reading the book “ How to become an expert driver –Ten easy lessons”
Gauging experience merely through age factor is also a fallacy. Even two years’ experience of a doctor employed in a big hospital in a metro is meaningful in terms of quality and utility than the experience acquired by an equally qualified doctor practicing in a town for several years. So comparing experience of two persons in similar field is also a job of an experienced person.
Barry Partner says “ Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgement”
Friday, April 18, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
इस बार होली में
इस बार होली में ------ओंम प्रकाश नौटियाल
वडोदरा 15th मार्च 2008
रंगत लिए हों प्यार की बरसाना ऐसे रंग
तकरार का क्या काम इस बार होली में ।
जो कुछ कहो किसी से हो मीठी जुबान में
मृदु वाणी ही मिष्ठान हो इस बार होली में ।
इठलाती टोलियाँ हों खुशियाँ ठिठोलियाँ हों
हर चेहरे पर शबाब हो इस बार होली में ।
अट्टालिका से उतरो और खेलो झुग्गियों में
यारों मिटा दो उंच नीच इस बार होली में ।
इस देश में कोई भी अब न खौफजदा हों
भाषा जाति छेत्र न पूछो इस बार होली में ।
रंगो की रंगीनियत से हों रंगीन हर एक रंग
जीवन में रंग ही रंग हों इस बार होली में ।